13.05.2024–15.08.2024 Verkossa
The course is held online in Moodle and Zoom
OyKKK 2nd or 3rd year students and open university students.
26.4.2024 mennessä
Koulutussuunnittelija Anne Pohjanen
puh. 044 465 2207
Aika ja paikka
The course is held online in Zoom as follows:
ma 13.5. klo 17.00-19.30
ma 20.5. klo 17.00-18.30
to 23.5. klo 17.00-18.30
ma 27.5. klo 17.00-18.30
to 30.5. klo 17.00-18.30
ma 3.6. klo 17.00-18.30
to 6.6. klo 17.00-18.30
ma 10.6. klo 17.00-18.30
to 13.6. klo 17.00-18.30
to 8.8. klo 17.00-18.30
to 15.8.2024 klo 17.00-18.30
OyKKK 2nd or 3rd year students and open university students.
" Väyläopiskelijat" will attend a future course (winter 2024), not this one.
MA Jaana Sorvari
By the end of the course the student will have been able to:
-demonstrate the ability to use an appropriate level of formality and style for business communication both verbally and in writing with reasonable accuracy and self-correct mistakes if they have led to misunderstandings
-demonstrate the ability to write clear and effective business documents and email messages conveying information and details accurately
-hold online meetings, negotiations and presentations
-experience and apply entrepreneurial mindset and skills to future tasks in their future profession.
This course is a phenomenon-based learning experience which has a focus on the major language learning skills areas such as reading, writing, speaking, listening as well as vocabulary expansion and grammatical competence development. Active participation in the Moodle course and Zoom sessions is mandatory and all projects must be completed successfully. All deadlines must be met. The course includes 8 projects each of which requires individual and teamwork. The theme of the course is business to business (B2B) interaction which includes acquiring business partners and interacting with them to practice ways to gain and maintain B2B relationships. Meetings, negotiations, and exchanging business documents are the primary activities practiced in the course.
The course is held in Moodle and Zoom.
The course consists of eight projects and each project is estimated to take about 13 hours of time. The course normally requires 12 weeks of study but for open university this can be condensed.
Suoritustavat ja arviointikriteeri
The assignments will be graded using the 1-5 scale or pass/fail. The course grade is based on written homework, verbal assignments and project quizzes.
The grading scale is 1-5 or Fail.
Mikäli olet Oulun yliopiston läsnäolevaksi ilmoittautunut perustutkinto-opiskelija ja opinnot ovat hyväksytyt HOPS:iisi, ovat opinnot sinulle maksuttomat. Mainitsethan ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä tiedekuntasi ja koulutusohjelmasi. Tutustu lisätietoihin koskien opintojen suorittamista maksutta ja perustutkinto-opiskelijan opiskeluoikeutta avoimissa yliopisto-opinnoissa: Perustutkinto-opiskelijan opiskeluoikeus avoimessa yliopistossa
26.4.2024 mennessä.
Ilmoittautuminen on päättynyt.
Oulun yliopiston perustutkinto-opiskelija, tutustu ennen ilmoittautumistasi tähän: Perustutkinto-opiskelijan opiskeluoikeus avoimessa yliopistossa
Opintojaksolla on rajattu osallistujamäärä. Opetuksessa on läsnäolovaatimus.
Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen tapahtuvasta perumisesta laskutetaan 25 € peruutusmaksua. Mikäli perumista ei tehdä lainkaan tai peruminen/keskeyttäminen tehdään koulutuksen alkamisen jälkeen, laskutetaan koko kurssimaksu. Peruutus tulee tehdä aina kirjallisesti. Kurssimaksut ovat ulosottokelpoisia (L 632/1998, 24 §). Kesäyliopisto ei palauta maksuja.