Introduction to micro-entrepreneurship in Finland 5 op (OY)

02.09.2024–31.12.2024 Verkossa

Aika ja paikka

2.9.-31.12.2024 Online course

The course is an alternative to the Mikroyrittäjyyden perusteet 5 op course and is recommended to be done before the other courses.


The target group for this course are mainly international participants who are interested in micro-entrepreneurship in Finland, interested in becoming a micro-entrepreneur, or are already working as entrepreneurs in Finland.

This course is conducted entirely in English and provides participants with practical resources and relevant information associated with entrepreneurship in Finland. It also provides information regarding the steps and considerations that international participants should be aware of when considering, or pursuing a career as a micro-entrepreneur in Finland.


Santeri Halonen, doctoral researcher, M.Sc. (Econ & Bus. Adm.)

More information about the educator: Santeri Halonen | Oulun yliopisto


- Gets to know the basic features of microentrepreneurship and enterprise management in the Finnish business context.
- Knows the definitions, characteristics as well as economic and societal impact of microenterprises.
- Understands the central elements of becoming an entrepreneur and managing economically sustainable business.
- Knows the key elements of making a business plan
- Recognizes the importance of company values, goals and entrepreneurial skills to the sustainable business management


The course provides an introduction a comprehensive understanding of the field of micro-entrepreneurship for participants who are interested in micro-entrepreneurship in Finland and/or who are interested in starting a career as a micro-entrepreneur.

The course provides basic understanding of the definitions and importance of micro-enterprises, and the special features of micro-entrepreneurship management. The content of the course includes identifying the importance of values, goals and competencies in relation to business success.

This course also provides practical tools for financial and business planning that can be utilised to support future and current entrepreneurs in both planning and running a micro-enterprise in Finland.
Additionally, participants are provided with links to relevant documentation, authorities and entrepreneurship networks in Finland.


98 €


Registration has ended.

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen (19.8.2024) tapahtuvasta perumisesta laskutetaan puolet kurssimaksusta. Mikäli perumista ei tehdä lainkaan tai peruminen/keskeyttäminen tehdään koulutuksen alkamisen jälkeen, laskutetaan koko kurssimaksu. Peruutus tulee tehdä aina kirjallisesti. Kurssimaksut ovat ulosottokelpoisia (L 632/1998, 24 §). Kesäyliopisto ei palauta maksuja.