Introduction to starting a company in Finland 2 op (OY)

12.09.2023–31.07.2024 Verkossa

The course provides the student with basic information on starting a business in Finland.

Aika ja paikka

The course is a self-study online course in Moodle during the study period.


Santeri Halonen,

Project researcher, University of Oulu


​​After the course, student:

  • ​has the basic knowledge of starting a company in Finland (ie. main funding sources, main supportive organizations, rights and responsibilities, different company types)
  • ​knows what the main supportive organizations and main funding sources are
  • ​knows the rights and responsibilities of an entrepreneur
  • ​knows the different company types​


Course includes:

  • Introduction of the (public) business support organizations, enterprise associations etc.
  • Funding sources or access to finance (start funding, ELY, Leader)
  • Responsibilities and rights (taxes, insurances, VAT responsibilities etc.)
  • Different company types (OY, Toiminimi…)


After completing the course, the student can include these 2 ECTS in the course AY00AH94 Introduction to micro-entrepreneruship in Finland (5 ECTS).


This course is free of charge.


Until 16.6.2024

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen tapahtuvasta perumisesta laskutetaan puolet kurssimaksusta. Mikäli perumista ei tehdä lainkaan tai peruminen/keskeyttäminen tehdään koulutuksen alkamisen jälkeen, laskutetaan koko kurssimaksu. Peruutus tulee tehdä aina kirjallisesti. Kurssimaksut ovat ulosottokelpoisia (L 632/1998, 24 §). Kesäyliopisto ei palauta maksuja.

Guidance and counselling

Kristiina Anttila, Educational Designer

puh. +358 505924626