30.08.2024–31.01.2025 Oulu
Aika ja paikka
See the schedule on the main page. Please note that while assignment deadlines on the courses vary, the latest possible deadline for assignments on all courses is 31 January 2025. The teachers will give course-specific instructions and assignment deadlines once the courses commence.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the course, students will have demonstrated competence in core skills considered essential for writing at the university level. In the first part of the course, effective reading and note-taking strategies will be introduced, along with principles of academic reference and citation. In the second part of the course, students will complete tasks designed to strengthen grammar and vocabulary skills and encourage sound rhetorical organization. Student writing will be critiqued at the draft stage in small group workshops and the importance of revision and rewriting emphasized. In the final part of the course, students will work together in small groups preparing a project.
The course is designed primarily as an academic skills course, but students will be introduced to topics ranging from rhetoric and etymology to selected issues in the cultural landscape of the contemporary Anglophone world. A focus of the course will be to reinforce students’ awareness of appropriate written English, including grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure.
FT Juha-Pekka Alarauhio
Mode of Delivery
Blended teaching
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Variable teaching and learning methods
Recommended or Required Reading
Online readings will be made available.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Students will be assessed on the basis of written assignments and exercises as well as a group project.
The course utilizes a numerical grading scale (0-5). In the numerical scale zero stands for a fail.
Recommended Optional Programme Components
The course is an independent entity and does not require additional studies carried out at the same time.