Englannin kieli, perusopinnot - English 25 ECTS (OY)

30.08.2024–31.01.2025 Oulu

Englannin kielen perus- ja aineopinnot suorittanut voi hakea opetettavan aineen vastaavuutta.


30 August 2024 – 31 January 2025



Target Group

Students who have passed the entrance examination


650 €

More Information

Education coordinator Anna Nurmivuori
0400 581 593

Aika ja paikka

Schedule / Entrance Examination

Wednesday 29.5.2024 at 9.00–12.00
The entrance examination will take place at Oulu University Campus, Linnanmaa. Further information and instructions for taking the exam will be sent to registered applicants in May. The applicant needs their own writing equipment in the exam (pencil, eraser) and a valid ID.
Registration for the entrance examination has ended. If you have completed this entrance examination but didn't get a study place from University of Oulu, you can register to these studies.

The entrance examination is based on materials delivered in the beginning of the exam. The materials may include short scientific texts, fiction, newspaper or magazine articles, or visual materials. The materials may pertain to language studies, language learning, and the cultures and literature of the Anglophone world.

The aim of the entrance examination is to test the applicant’s ability to grasp the content presented in the materials and accordingly apply it in the writing tasks.

The assessment of the written tasks will focus on the following issues:
• content – the relevance and accuracy of the answers and presentation of analytic skills
• language – the grasp of vocabulary and grammatical precision, the ability to write clearly, fluently and flawlessly
• structure and organization – the logical presentation and overall coherence of the argumentation.

The entrance examination is in English, and it consists of two parts:
-  the first part includes at least one writing task (approx. 300-500 words)
-  the second part includes short tasks that assess the applicant’s analytical skills. These can include tasks that are related to linguistic structures, concepts and applications of those.

The maximum number of points in the written examination is 40. To be considered for admission, the applicant must score at least 50 % of the available points in both parts. If the applicant scores less than 50% of the available points in the first part, the second part will not be evaluated even if it contains answers.

Kokeen kuvaus suomeksi Opintopolussa

Schedule / Basic Studies in English 2024–2025

Contact teaching takes place on the following Fridays at 17–21 on the Zoom platform and on the following Saturdays at 9–17 in lecture hall L9 on the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu, unless otherwise announced or agreed. Lesson numbers of contact teaching for each course are provided in parentheses.

Friday, 30 August 2024, at 17:00–17:30 on Zoom

Introduction to Basic Studies in English by Mirka Rauniomaa

Saturday, 31 August 2024, at 9–17 (Linnanmaa campus, lecture hall L9)

Approaches to English Language Studies (1–2)
Introduction to Literature in English (1–2)
Speech Production and Communication (1–2)
Academic Writing and Communication (1–2)

Friday, 6 September 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Approaches to English Language Studies (3–4)
Introduction to Literature in English (3–4)

Friday, 13 September 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Academic Writing and Communication (3–4)
Speech Production and Communication (3–4)

Saturday, 21 September 2024, at 9–17 (Linnanmaa campus, lecture hall L9)

Approaches to English Language Studies (5–6)
Introduction to Literature in English (5–6)
Introduction to British Studies (1–2)
Speech Production and Communication (5–6)

Friday, 27 September 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Academic Writing and Communication (5–6)
Approaches to English Language Studies (7–8)

Friday, 4 October 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Approaches to English Language Studies (9–10)
Introduction to Literature in English (7–8)

Friday, 11 October 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Speech Production and Communication (7–8)
Introduction to Literature in English (9–10)

Friday, 1 November 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Academic Writing and Communication (7–8)
Speech Production and Communication (9–10)

Saturday, 9 November 2024, at 9–17 (Linnanmaa campus, lecture hall L9)

Approaches to English Language Studies (11–12)
Approaches to English Language Studies (13–14)
Introduction to Literature in English (11–12)
Introduction to Literature in English (13–14)

Friday, 15 November 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Academic Writing and Communication (9–10)
Speech Production and Communication (11–12)

Friday, 22 November 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Approaches to English Language Studies (15–16)
Introduction to Literature in English (15–16)

Friday, 29 November 2024, at 17–21 (Zoom)

Academic Writing and Communication (11–12)
Speech Production and Communication (13–14)

Saturday, 14 December 2024, at 9–17 (Linnanmaa campus, lecture hall L9)

Academic Writing and Communication (13–14)
Academic Writing and Communication (15–16)
Speech Production and Communication (15–16)
Introduction to British Studies (3–4)

Saturday, 11 January 2025, at 9–16 (Oulu)

Introduction to Literature in English (3-hour exam)
Introduction to British Studies (3-hour exam)


Please note that while assignment deadlines on the courses vary, the latest possible deadline for assignments on all courses is 31 January 2025. The teachers will give course-specific instructions and assignment deadlines once the courses commence.


Target Group

Students who have passed the entrance examination


Courses and teachers

All the courses are compulsory five-credit courses in Basic Studies in English. One five-credit course is estimated to require a total of 135 hours of study from the student.

Academic Writing and Communication - AY682428P, 16 hrs of contact teaching, Juha-Pekka Alarauhio
Approaches to English Language Studies - AY682376P, 16 hrs of contact teaching, Maritta Riekki
Introduction to British Studies - AY682429P, 4 hrs of contact teaching, Tiina Eilittä
Introduction to Literature in English - AY682377P, 16 hrs of contact teaching, Katrin Korkalainen
Speech Production and Communication - AY682374P, 16 hrs of contact teaching, Tiina Eilittä

Study coordinator in University of Oulu: Mirka Rauniomaa, University Lecturer



650 € (charged in two instalments)


Tiedoksi niille, jotka hakevat englannin kielen pää- tai sivuaineopiskelijaksi Oulun yliopiston humanistiseen tiedekuntaan:

Kesäyliopiston valintakoe on sama kuin tiedekunnan pääsykoe. Tiedekuntaan hakijat, jotka saavat valintakokeesta riittävän määrän pisteitä, mutta eivät tule valituiksi pää- tai sivuaineopiskelijoiksi, voivat ilmoittautua opiskelijoiksi kesäyliopiston englannin kielen 25 op perusopintoihin niin kauan kuin opiskelijapaikkoja riittää. Opiskelijat otetaan kesäyliopiston opintoihin ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Kesäyliopiston pääsykokeeseen osallistuneet valitaan ensin paremmuusjärjestyksessä.

Englannin kieli on myös Oulun yliopiston väyläaine:

Englannin kieli opetettavana aineena:


Registration has ended. If you have completed the entrance examination and would like to start the studies, please contact Education coordinator Anna Nurmivuori (anna.nurmivuori@pohjois-pohjanmaa.fi, 0400 581 593).

Koulutus järjestetään, mikäli pääsykokeen hyväksytysti suorittaneita ilmoittautuneita on riittävästi määräpäivään mennessä. Pääsykokeeseen osallistuneet valitaan opintoihin paremmuusjärjestyksessä.

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen tapahtuvasta perumisesta laskutetaan puolet kurssimaksusta. Mikäli perumista ei tehdä lainkaan tai peruminen/keskeyttäminen tehdään koulutuksen alkamisen jälkeen, laskutetaan koko kurssimaksu. Peruutus tulee tehdä aina kirjallisesti. Kurssimaksut ovat ulosottokelpoisia (L 632/1998, 24 §). Kesäyliopisto ei palauta maksuja.